Kirsty Alley 2
Full Member
How are you doing Felix? Hope everything is going great for you honey.
You can do it!
You can do it!
Hey sweetie, sorry to hear that you're feeling lowhave you thought about doing 810 so that you're still in ketosis? The losses will be a lot more consistent than sw or ww.. You know how much you want to loose a stone before the 10th June and there's no reason why you can't loose 10-14lbs before then! I've been rubbish too, but I know how much I want to look good in a bikini for Jamaica and that's what's keeping me going. Just focus on you goal and write a list of things. That can distract you when your bf isn't around so that you aren't tempted to come off plan. Whatever you decide good luck with it, just don't get to the 10th June and look back and regret not sticking with it, not saying that in a rude way, I've just been there so many times and it's a horrible feeling when you wake up on the day of an event that you've been aiming to loose weight for and you don't do it and end up not enjoying the day as much..xx
Hey Felix, I really feel for you - I have been in that mindset so many times before and I know how miserable it is. I'm afraid I don't have the answers, but just wanted to say that although you may feel like a failure at this, you really are not - its hard, you are human and you have done so fantastically well to get to this point. You've been doing CD for a looong time, to always be feeling either virtuous or devilish - it messes with your mind I reckon! All I will say is that if you give yourself a break (mentally and physically) then in my experience you should just walk away from VCLDs altogether, as if you think you will be restarting again in the future it is so easy to fall in the trap of thinking that you can eat like crazy as when you are in the 'zone' it will come back off again quickly. Trouble is getting back 'in the zone' is much harder than you think and before you know it you're back where you started. (Trust me, I have the extra stones to prove this!)
The other thing to congratulate yourself on is that you still come on here even when you are struggling, so you can get the virtual hugs (or kick up the a**e!) you need, which as you know is invaluable. I'm so impressed that you do, because in the past when I waver I go into complete denial, I don't come on here, weigh myself etc etc - the dieting equivalent of putting my fingers in my ears and singing la la la, iyswim!
So I reckon firstly please don't feel so despondent - you can do this when you want, brilliantly. And then decide either to carry on and just ignore the devil on your shoulder and plough on regardless to get to where you want to be (which you thoroughly deserve) or just decide that you are going to stop the madness and get off this merry go round. And don't look back!
Personally, if you wnt my advice, I would take a deep breath and just dive right back in because I think you have it in you to succeed at this - accept that there will always been times when it seems impossible, but remember that it's not and the longer the journey the bigger the sense of achievement once you get there!
I really hope you feel a bit brighter today, just do what is right for you, and know that there are many others you can identify with exactly how you are feeling and you are not alone. Good luck, lots of love xxx
hi hun sorry to hear you have had a crap weekend.i agree with cj hun maybe try 810 at least that way you can still enjoy food and lose quite a bit of weight.i think most people average between 3-5lb a week on 810 so not a bad weight loss and still more than ww/sw.
hope you have a good cd dayxx