Gold Member
I am SO pissed off. Long story short, I got glandular fever around October 2009 and was very ill on and off until around May 2010 when I was the worst I'd been and then I thought that was it.
Ever since then, I've been ill with numerous things (tonsillitis, ear infections, flu etc) at least every 2 weeks from may onwards and it's still going on now. The past couple of days I've felt like I'm getting ill then today I've felt awful at work I thought it was due to the diet at first but today ive felt exactly how I did when I first got glandular fever a year and half ago
I've been pulled up at work for having time off and I feel like no one believes me my doctors is terrible and its impossible to get an appointment so i dont know what to do. sorry about ranting on about it but I just want to cry!!
You poor darling, that's pants. Though the chances are you're feeling crappy at least partly because of getting back into ketosis - which means you should feel a whole better soon.
Take care of yourself, okay? Get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water to flush out any nasty buggies before they can take hold!
Hugs :hug99: