I'm still trying to get into it!
I went to a wedding yesterday so the less said about that the better.
Today I had a shake for breakfast, a bar for lunch and when I got home from work, I was so hungry that I couldnt wait to do a shake so had some chicken that I'd cooked yesterday.
Thats still ok, isn't it?
I was 13 st when I had my second child and now I'm just under 11. I need to be around 9.
Hope everyone's doing well.
There's a lot of misconceptions about VLCD and I understand why people don't want to tell the world. Even with something less extreme as a low carb diet I have people rolling their eyes. Having to constantly justify myself and explain the science behind it to people who have never been in the 'fat' boat can be exhausting. Exante is a challenge as it is so fair enough if you don't want to add more pressure on yourself. Whatever your reasons are for not telling your OH it's obviously the right decision for you. Life is never black or white and neither are relationships.
Hi all,
i'm starting exante tomorrow have a bunch of weight to lose before my wedding, only problem is I haven't told my boyfriend becuase I know he will freak out about me going on a VLCD. Anyone have the same problem?