Hi Jackie et al
Andy is back in Hospital:cry: His temp spiked so I had to take him in. Not back to Nottingham thank goodness but to Lincoln which is an hour away. They don't know what is causing it yet so have him on broad spectrum AB's. He is feeling much brighter and the D&V has just about gone and he's eating little bits ie ice cream and yogs and an odd slice of toast here and there. He's lost a stone in the last couple of weeks and has no muscle tone in his legs at all.
Unfortunately I can't stay at my son's house as they are all full of coughs and colds

so I am driving back each night.
I have put weight on :sigh: as I have been eating sarnies and biscuits (from the tea ladies

) and rubbish basically as there is so little option at hospitals and I'm not in a frame of mind to 'Plan' at the moment. I don't eat in the hospital restaurant as the food is just so greasy and expensive and I don't like mixing with folk atm as one sneeze and I could catch the lurgy and give it to Andy

I have been buying loads of fruit to take in but there's only so many satsumas one can stomach :break_diet: I sort of knew this would be the case which is why I said originally that I would n't start Slimming World yet. Also I'm spending a lot of time just sitting at Andy's bedside so piling on the pounds cos of that.
I have been thinking of doing the Race for Life run this year so I should start training soon! Plus I really want to start swimming soon so that should shift a few pounds.
Anyway, it's getting late now so just going to ring Andy to say goodnight and then I'll go to bed to catch up on some sleep!
Nite nite all.