Final countdown!


My thread is so QUIET nobody want's to talk to me on here LOL..



sorry chick hadn t realised we d been doing all the messages on my side so slinky whats new in the world of Viita?

did i see a pic of you on here briefly, utterly gorgeous!
Hello lovely ladyyyyy!

Yes we have lol.. This thread has been non existent these last few weeks.

Nothing new i'm just running around trying to get prepared for this vacation! Nails, toes and hairs etc..

Yes you did haha.. I don't really like putting my photo on here I don't know why..

But thank you so much thats so sweet of you!

Glad i'm at 11.7 today that break did me the world of good!

How are you doing my lovely?

Keep going :)
that is just the best start to to holidays gives you a little wiggle room, so chuffed for you

no idea if this is some thing you d want to do but when i wnt on hol i took about 3 days worth of bars with me ( 2 a day) had them for break and lunch and then had a normal dinner. it was a good way to ease back to eating and i never felt deprived

Hey guys,

So I am back from New York and extremely jetlagged at work.

Back to SS tomorrow & looking forward to finishing off my diet journey..

I have been on my scales and I can see a 10lb increase but to be honest after all the alcohol and food consumed that isn't bad at all..
Most will be water retention too & after a week on SS will be gone forever.

Hope everyone is well!

hi there duchess!

i ve been awol for a few weeks so was wondering how the hol went? what did your friends think? and did you enjoy your photo shoot?

you ll have that weight off on no time
Hey my lovely..

I saw you had gone AWOL.. How's everything?

Well I was weighed yesterday (period time too) and I had gained 1st 2lbs lol.. However I had lost a inch around my stomach..
SO weird.. My CDC said its mainly water retention especially with the fact I lost a inch lol..

Holiday was amazing, my friends all thought I looked amazing and I enjoyed every min.

Back to SS today however I am gonna do SS+ on and off this week and have my boiled eggs.
Lost the same amount doing SS+ for the first week as I did SS so yeah..
Just want this stone off ASAP so hopefully most will be gone next weigh in.

Whats new with you lovely? xoxo
im much better now thanks was so disillusioned with the whole thing that i just decided to blow the bloody doors off. and once i go into a binge its pretty full on so not my finest performance but at the same time not my worst either im still here just plodding along.

just now its just a basic calorie controlled diet with an upper limit of 1500 so far so good
Wow Viita - I'm fairly new around here - what a massive journey you've had in such a short period of time! How do you "subscribe" to a thread?
Thank you lovely..

For anyone wondering my progression please see below pic.. xoxo

