You look great. Annie's advice is good. It may sound barking but I say things out loud and when I see myself in a mirror or reflcted in a window, I remind myslef that it me...sometimes I don't recognise me! i acknowledge and delete negative thoughts and then move on to how good my transformation is. I met with an Alizonne friend today andher mind hasn't yet caught up with her reality. She's a slinky size 10 - so we stopped and she really really looked at herself reflected in a window. She took a really good look and with my affirmation, began to see her slinkiness herself. It takes work and it's worth doing - as you need this to be your new normality.
i also recommend writing down things you are grateful for. Don't focus on the negative and recognise the good things. they may be small things and they may r may not be to do with weight. The idea is you change your brain chemistry by enjoying and recognising the lovely stuff around you. Maybe you can always include something on your body - like how wonderful it is to be able to bend over with ease to do up your shoes, or how you can wear heels again without your feet hurting.
Take care of yourself.