Finding syn free food in town. ..


Silver Member
Im thinking about coming back to SW because of all the great weightloss people have had around me on it. My only problem is convenience so when out in town on a Saturday afternoon ill often picm up a boots light sandwich before going to the pub for a few beers, but with SW cant really do that. Anyone have any suggestions on what shops have low syn or syn free meals on the go?
Thanks in advance

I Will Not Be A Fat Bride!x
That's the only problem with eating out or on the go! Syn free or low syn options can't always be easily found! Why not try having a pub lunch when you go, instead of a sandwich? That way you could weigh up the options and choose a healthier option, i.e getting a steak, instead of chips ask for a jacket potatoe with no dressing or butter? Or an extra side salad? It's hard to plan when you're out and about I know, but if you can, get one of the books that tells you what syns are in all the restaraunts and convinience shops and you can pick up the lowest syn option there? x
What about Subway salads? My local one is quite good and will give me extra of something (i.e. cucumber) in place of something that I don't like!
Thanks alot for your replies :)
Yeah they are great ideas....I guess its just adapting my ways I guess.
Im currently not going to group and have books from around a year and half ago just purely because I cant afford it.
Definately think ill either take a little something in my bag or a syn free meal at the pub...not am alcoholic btw lol catch up with family :) if anyone has any advice on anything...especially things that may have changed recently.
Thanks in advance :)

I Will Not Be A Fat Bride!x
I know what you mean, I usually go to the pub on a sunday to see family or friends and it's so tempting to give in to a fish butty or a takeaway when they have one. I'm doing well at resisting! Have you thought about switching your drinks? So you can have more syns for food? Xx
You asked for advice on anything....One thing I've stared doing recently to help me stick to healthy food is changing what I call "being naughty". Before a pack of crisps, bar of chocolate or some sweets were what I'd have and feel bad, now I pinch a crisp off my husband or a smartie off my son and feel like that's my "naughty treat" where as before it would have been the whole pack. But I've still had crisps or chocolate so feel like I have to make up by being extra good even though I haven't really been that bad. This might be a crisp here and a smartie a few days later.
Does that make sense?
Thank you for the replies :) erm yeah It kinda makes sense lol but I get what you mean. Advice is great about anything. Im hoping to eat a majority of what I already have such as special k, Mediterranean ryvitas, ww meals etc before swapping over but im still trying to have SW meals in the eveningg such as yesterday I had mashed potato, mushypeas and Mediterranean vegetables...random I know lol xx

I Will Not Be A Fat Bride!x
If there's a market in town grab some fruit, cheap and superfree. Jacket potato van, or as others have said subway can be totally free, McDonalds do a bacon and chicken salad for 1.5syns. Also having something like a mugshot before you leave the house will mean you are more likely to make healthier choices. Fish without the batter from the chippy with beans or mushy peas.
I travel a lot with work so I tend to try to find a jacket potato van or I'll go into a Tesco express or similar and buy a couple of packs of cold meat and a banana.
Mmm everything sounds lovely :)
I have a much better insight now as to the different options I have. Thank you to all of you.
Another question...are we okay to save our syns up? E.g I do like a few beers on a saturday so have syns for this?

I Will Not Be A Fat Bride!x
Hello stranger! Hope you're ok honey...

I found these two yesterday... They are both 2 syns each and feel like a real treat!

