First day on TS.


New Member
Hi to everyone, have been lurking for a while and watching some very inspiring threads.:) Started TS today, head's banging but apart from that have coped with the hunger.I am reading the Beck book and it's opened my eyes a lot.Although it doesnt advocate VLCDs the principles of CBT are still relevant.Does anyone else have this book and have an opinion about it? I have already applied my post its to the fridge door and have response cards made up ready but am slowly going through the book for a second time now, doing the tasks etc.Have spent my time since Monday actually thinking about what I eat and why. It has been possible to eat less this week, but I still think a VLCD is the route for me, I hope I can just get through the first few days without too much drama. My main goal would be to wear a size 16, at 2 stones lost I am giving up smoking too.:eek:
Hi ellie-phant - hope it's going OK

I've got a headache too - feeling a bit sorry for myself but trying to stay positive. x good luck with your journey