If your always looking back you can't focus on where you are going!
When I started slim fast I was pretty disgusted with myself, I thought about when I got married I was a size 10-12 but I was on 16 points a day doing weight watchers, ( I would save 2 points per day for weekends) there was no free foods then, I went to the gym twice a week, swimming twice a week, an airobics class, and hips bums and tums class! But I was also in my early 20's, didn't have 2 beautiful children and a full time job and I definitely had more time and money!!
I'm learning that it's about changing the way I think, snacks should be healthy, a treat doesn't have to be food, I don't need to eat it just because it's there and this time it's going to be for life, I am a person who has always struggled with my weight its been up and down and I'm some one who will all ways have a weight issue if I don't keep on top of it but that's just the way it is so I have to deal with it.
I think the biggest thing is facing up to it and getting started, and by doing that you feel more positive, I never thought I would last on SF TBH, but I'm still here a month on and still very positive about the whole experience, I've now lost 15lbs and getting back into clothes I haven't worn for ages and it feels great!
Congratulations on your first day, keep positive and just tackle one day at a time, you will soon get the hang of MFP but if you want to know anything just ask I will help if I can x