I darling sorry you've been in the wars with the diet. Sounds likecyour under control. It's not an easyvthing to do but worth it enough in the end. Does get a LOT easier if you can stick it out a bit more Hun.
I really need 2 travel up North to get to Asda and Iceland! Coolest shops ever and don't get me started on Peacocks, Matalan
I'm SO jealous! I need 2 bring an empty suitcase or two with wheels
I really need 2 travel up North to get to Asda and Iceland! Coolest shops ever and don't get me started on Peacocks, Matalan
I'm SO jealous! I need 2 bring an empty suitcase or two with wheels
Ah don't mind me Busybusy- I just miss those shops
I got SO excited when New Look, Lidl and Aldi opened in my nearest big city ( 40 mins away)
I grew up 5 mins 4m d city so my heart will always b der if ya get me!!! I'm d city slicker while my OH is a cultee ... Hee hee
Luv gettin my fix of d shops even if it's just window shoppin 4m time 2 time if finances r tight!
Time 4 bed Gud luck WI 2moro
So I went waaaaay off track after the weekend and ended up putting on some of the weight I'd lost, still managed to keep 5 pounds off which is rubbish for my first week but still a loss.
I'm starting again tomorrow so on my way to tesco to try and get some of the slim bars as I think I was missing actual food!!
Just copying this in your diary for you, in case you don't see it :hug99: xx
Think it might help you...
Originally Posted by jenna_bird
It's not the motivation I lack, or support as everyone that knows I'm on it is good, just ask lots of questions about it really.
What I'm struggling with is having the shakes, the first half I don't mind but when I keep drinking them I feel as though I'm going to be sick ( nice details for the morning! ) maybe I need to split them!
Will try and find a way to manage them as obviously I don't want to go below the already low calories!!x
A few of us have bought a Smoothie 2go which means we can blitz them with ice (think McDs milkshake) Truly makes all the difference for me, as I wasn't a fan of them before I was bought mine. Also if you like lattes, then try splitting a vanilla shake (or banana) into 3, add a spoon of coffee and whisk well with boiled water.
Hi jenna ,hope you have managed to stay on track, have you tried the exante bars if you are missing food they are really delicous and very filling you need to drink some water whilst you are having them but i find them great for lunch times.
Splitting them seems to be working, its just when I'm on nights I find it hard to drink it all. I've bought sweeteners and also some bouillion - is this to have in place of a shake or just one on top of the three as a treat?
Have tried three different tesco's and can't find the bars at all!
If not tried the exante bars but only really want a few and don't want to pay 6 quid postage for that (pennies are a bit tight right now!). Going to post on a forum for my area and see if anyone spots them!
Just heading home for some apple water and a sleep (hopefully)!
Did you ask someone in Tesco? I couldn't find them in mine, but turns out I was looking in the wrong bit, so held up a long line of people at the till while someone went and got some for me lol! Oooops!
You might find some exante bars on that well know auction site
With the bouillon, its extra, not in place of the packs, its just yummy if you fancy something savoury I add a spoonful to my soups if I have them, makes them soooo much nicer, esp the veg one!
No I never asked, couldn't be bothered with the dodgy looks as I'd just come off a night shift haha! I also don't think they've had them as they had slim fast etc. will check the ones nearer my mums as they're bigger!
Just had a shake and feeling full and almost finished my two litres of apple water!
Ps, just about to go for my first run in years. Planning on doing a 10k in October to raise money for cystic fibrosis which is what my brother had so its really pushing me. Wish me luck!!x