First time on CD & starting tomorrow :)

Hi Cupcake - Not too bad! I'm hopeful that I'll lose more than last weeks 1/4 lb tonight at WI!!

I went out on Friday with friends for an Indian, but stuck to chicken shashlik and green salad and have tried to be good since then - so fingers crossed!

Am away tomorrow night for 3 nights away with hubbie and will be eating, so may have to add another week or two onto my 'journey' to compensate! lol!

Well, lost 3 & 3/4 last WI, so very chuffed (17 1/4lbs in total)...

HOWEVER - have come back from 3 days away and ate like a pig and have put at least 7lb back on! I knew it wasn't going to be good and I can feel every lb - urgh! Never mind it will shift as quickly as it went on once I'm back in ketosis, but have probably added another 2 weeks to my CD journey! Its weird, but I was really looking forward to my shake this morning and getting rid of this awful bloated feeling that I feel now... roll on the headaches lol!! x
Well no surprise, but 2lb gain at tonight's WI - I'm quite ok with this though as ate SO much over the weekend and had put 7lb on when I weighed Mon am, so 5lb loss in 3 days is a result!

Am back on the wagon now and fingers crossed I can get rid of the 2lb gain and a bit more by next Wed's WI :)