First week, Just saying Hello :-)

I am in my final year of nurse training, I know I am on the mature side (I will be 43 when I qualify) but it is something I have wanted to do since I was little, but life and 4 kids got in the way! I must stay focussed when writing the assignments though and remember to eat!

This week although I have stuck to plan I do feel quite bloated so not feeling hopeful for Thursday weigh in - but I will see how it goes and keep my fingers crossed for a loss xx[
QUOTE=green eyed monster;7811639]Thats some great losses Lynda,

What kind of assignments are you writing? I remember how taxing they can be , but just remember to keep some nice free foods to hand and keep hydrated.[/QUOTE]
Hi Lynda, welcome and good luck!
Hi, and thank you for wishing me luck.

I am feeling confused though, I have stuck to plan all week but feel really bloated, the only difference I have made this week is to up my intake of water, I got on my scales today and it shows a 4 pound gain! I do hope my scales are wrong and I get a loss at weigh in tomorrow :-(
Apologies if this is a bit tmi lol but are you going regularly? That happens to me sometimes and I have to take senna to get things going
Apologies if this is a bit tmi lol but are you going regularly? That happens to me sometimes and I have to take senna to get things going

was gonna ask what Clair did but she asked it so much better than I could have ;)
I'm used to asking questions like that myself being a student nurse lol, and yes I am going regularly - I just don't understand where I am going wrong. My consultant said not to worry too much and see what the scales say at weigh in as weight can fluctuate so I will see what happens tomorrow xx
If you're already drinking lots of water or can't be water retention.

Are you coming up to star week?

Were you eating a lot of fruit and veg before you started the plan? If not the increase can cause bloating while your body gets used to it
I have only just started increasing my water intake this week, and I am 10 days away from star week, so I am not sure if that would be the cause or not?
10 days away it's probably not star week then.

And if you're drinking more water your body should be retaining less.

I'm struggling to think of what else it could be
Thanks anyway, I have wrote everything down so maybe I am doing something wrong or maybe my scales are wrong - I will find out tomorrow :)

Thank you all though
Well, I have been to weigh in and luckily I had not put on any weight but I had not lost any either.

I am not going to let this get me down though and hopefully the losses will show next week. I am going to start walking this week so hopefully that will help xx