First week on lipotrim


Just completed first week on lipotrim, its tough but not as bad as i expected,the hunger is more physcological than physical,reading about everyone elses experiences on here as really helped me get through it, just been for my first weigh in came away a bit dissapointed to have only lost 5lb :sigh: but better off than on.

Week 1 - 5lb
Well done on getting through your first week!!! the worst is officially over woo hoo!!. Think you have a great attitude over diet - I've spent the last 11 days feeling really sorry for myself and completely miserable (LOL). Your right 5lbs is 5lbs!! well done!. Heres to a great week 2..
Thanks NikkiH,
everyone one of us is different so we arnt all gonna loose the same or at the same rate, anything lost or nothing gained is a bonus.
I really have had a few bad moments so far but am detemind to do it this time and SO CAN YOU xxx
aw bless your cotton socks!! your so sweet and I know your right xx thanks xx
Hiya...well done on the 5lbs.....just realised its bank holiday weekend and the chemist will be shut on monday..doh ! will be going on tuesday morning instead.

How are you getting on ???

Yesterday was really bad, my husband was in the kitchen cooking gammon and the smell just made me want to cry :cry:
Wondering if i'm actually in ketosis, the main indication seems to be smelly breath and wee and I have neither ( imagine actually wanting smelly breath :8855:) I'm on day 8 now, does having a slow metabolism mean it takes longer to get into ketosis I wonder ? Ordered some ketostix so I guess I'll find out then:)
I actually like to smell seems to stave off the hunger pangs......think Im strange
Well done on getting to day 8.....xx
5lbs is great as you say better off than on, keep going everyones bodies are different so we will all be loosing at different rates. Well done keep going..
Not doing too bad thanks, having a few down moments but I some how manage to get past them, I know I'm going to make it this time, I've allways been bloody minded about what I will or wont just never been able to apply it to dieting it now lol.
I know my friend Clair is struggling along with me and keeping her in line is making me stronger, the pair of us have talked one another into quitting more times than weve had hot dinners ( and there been a lot of them, along with the chocolate and cream cakes)
Keep wondering when the surge of energy and well beings gonna kick it, it gets to mid afternoon and I'm knackered, have to go for a lie down, its pathetic I feel like resident in a O.A.P's home.
Looking forwarded to loosing that first stone, I know that will give me a buzz.
How you doing????
hey hun well done on gettin thru wk 1. :D. every1s different in terms of hittin ketosis but keep drinkin the water an it shud b fine!!!!

also big well done on ur 5lb loss!!!! :happy036::bliss:

thats a fab loss an u shud b proud of it, remember the 1st wk or 2 is ur body losin water etc an every1 is different on how much they retain!!!

keep positive, drink lots of water :p an good luck 4 this week!!


hi, well done for your first week girl!!
It's gonna get easier.
I like smelling food also, sometimes open some jars and have a good sniff;)
For me , a sine for ketosis was that i was feeling absolutely freezing!!! brrr