Thanks Sugarplumfairycake, I got weighed this morning and to my surprise I had lost 3 lbs! Was so happy. I had decided before chemist to do re feed as was really struggling with hunger. Weirdly was definitely in ketosis as got the sticks to check. I assumed then the hunger wouldn't be an issue. Anyways when I left the chemist I decided to stay on tfr , but treat myself today. I decided a planned slip would be just the thing to re invigorate me to go back to starvation. So I cannot BELIEVE how much I have eaten, I am disgusted with myself. Am going to write it down to count how many calories so: 4 choc hob nobs , 1 aero snack bar, 3 low carb choc bars(ridiculas right!?) chicken noodles, white bap with cheese and tomato, piece of lamb, 2 slices of turkey , 1 piece of white bread with flora,1 jelly sweet, 1 pack of crisps , 3 more choc biscuits. OMG how disgusting am I , I just couldn't stop and now am terrifyed that I've re gained everything. I am NEVER going to have even one morsel of food when I start back tomorrow . Assuming I haven't gained, I have 12 more pounds to go to goal. So can't decide whether to check the probable gain or just forget about it and start fresh tomorrow ? Have been trying to see if anyone did similar by looking through all the forums. But it would seem no one has eaten SO much. My I phone is playing up and I couldn't get online today, I really think if I got on here it mightn't have happened on such a big scale. Sorry for posting negative stuff but if anything it will teach people NOT TO EAT ANYTHING , it could lead to crazy binges. Cannot describe how stupid and upset I feel, why did I do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????