First WI, completey underwhelming....

I know I just couldn't believe it! To be honest zimmum this week I'd practically had SS+ days for most of them and that's why I was floored when this week turned out to by my best loss yet!! I'd heard that you still lose on SS+ but i didn't expect it to make it my best week!!

Ohhh i didn't think about the aspartame in the products! I know I just keep on drinking, drinking and drinking which seems to ward off the headaches for me... I'm up to 5 litres most days but I still feel thirsty after!

You should have a sneaky weigh in for yourself to have a peek at what you've done! I do feel lighter myself too but I can't yet see where it's come off!
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I did do a sneaky weigh in this morning! And I'm about 11st 1lb my bathroom scale is not that accurate so it's just a guesstimate... I'm down about 5lbs this week :)

It's my totm and day 1... Feeling really rubbish and as a result have had 2 chocolate digestive biscuits :-s feeling super guilty about it now!! Hopefully It dont set me back too much and will try to drink it off with more water!!!

Yay for the weekend!! Have you got much on this wknd?? I am away at my sisters this weekend xx
Congratulations hunny! 5lbs is awesome!! I'm not expecting a big loss this week as I had one already! It's just as well really as now I know when it's my Totm I don't really lose anything... Next time it won't be such a shock to are it on the scales!

Does your sister live far from you? Thats such a coincidence as I'm with my sister it's her b'day today... She's organised a big party night out and it's my first time out in ages and I'm determined not to drink... Anything... Which no one can believe I'll be able to do it!!

If you drink lots and lots I'm sure it'll flush them out... If not you might be in for a few headaches as your body goes whoa what you done to me! But I'm sure you'll be fine!! :D
My sister lives 2 hours away! She's in leicester, I'm in Reading... Looks like we will both be celebrating this weekend ay :) It's her sons 1st birthday so there's going to be lots of cake!!! Lol I managed to dodge the cake at my daughters 1st bday last weekend... I hope il be strong enough second time round!!! Haha!!!

I thought id miss drinks a lot!! But i don't care for even a glass of wine anymore!! Sad hey!! Lol.. Enjoy the celebrations xxx
Oh wow I'm only up the road from leicester in derby! I don't miss drinks at all to be honest but it's incredible just how many people around me seem to bothered by the fact that I'm not drinking! I've had people try to make me drink mock tails and fruit juice
Oh I know! My hubby's aunt lives near me and she's as good as amother inlaw to me! :-/ Even though she knows I have been on this diet for a month she is forever persuading me to try this or that! "just this little bit won't do any harm" but behind my back they mock me about my weight!

We just have to stay strong as much as ppl try to persuade or tempt us! They may mean well but it us that has to deal with our own weight issues at the end of the day. mock tails and fruit juice are full of sugars it's not just about the calories in the alcohol

Oh cool! I've never been to derby! All of my family live in leicester!
zimmum said:
Oh I know! My hubby's aunt lives near me and she's as good as amother inlaw to me! :-/ Even though she knows I have been on this diet for a month she is forever persuading me to try this or that! "just this little bit won't do any harm" but behind my back they mock me about my weight!

Hey zimmum!

Well to be honest Derby's not that great so you're really not much missing that much in comparison to Leicester anyway! How was your weekend?

That's awful about what your hubby's aunt does and says to you! although I'd be lying if I said that other people didn't do exactly the same to me! I mean it's like they don't want you to get thinner but want to watch you get fatter so they can continue to put you down!

I started a thread about alcohol been spiked u
In my drink last weekend and It took me a few days to get back into ketosis... My weight loss this week was only 3lbs :( but... It means I have managed to lose 2 stone in just 6weeks!!! So I shouldn't get too disappointed! Hopefully this week now I'm back in ketosis that my weight losses will return to normal now!!! But I know in two weigh ins time so week 8 itll be my TOTM so I'll lose nothing!!!

How's your week going this week?
Hi Shazzy shaz!

That's awful about your drink being spiked :( its hard work getting into ketosis on your own but when sum1 spikes your drink cos they think it's fun, that's awful!! Hopefully this week will be a big loss like the "big expected week1 loss" that we both didn't have ;-) x

My weekend was really good, I decided myself that i would have two days off cd completely because i knew id get fed up of explaining myself to everyone that I was on a diet! Also my family were like "omg you've lost loads! Don't go all skinny and anorexic looking on us etc" (I don't even feel small yet :-/)

The end of my first day off CD, I only ate a small amount but my body definitely did not like wat I fed it cos by night time I looked like I had a football under my tshirt, that's how bloated I was! Was not a pretty look!! Lol

My hubby is making me hear about how expensive CD is working out to be, ESP considering I'm only losing about 3lbs a week (last week I self weighed myself to be 5lb loss, was actually only 2lb:-/) he saying I'm
Basically paying over £10 for every 1lb I loose which he thinks I could easily lose whilst just watching wat I eat! I'm really confused as I have about half a stone (realistically) to a stone (ideally) left for me to lose to get to my target. I've been really pants this week, eating chocolate, biscuits I've even had bread and now feel even more rubbish! The thing is I'm not working yet since my maternity leave so I do feel guilty about the money side of my diet

So although I've been SS+ing, I'm stretching my shakes out to make em last two weeks instead of one! It's probably not helping speed up my loss but I haven't gained any weight despite all the naughty treats I've had!!

What do you think I should do?? Xx
zimmum said:
The end of my first day off CD, I only ate a small amount but my body definitely did not like wat I fed it cos by night time I looked like I had a football under my tshirt, that's how bloated I was! Was not a pretty look!! Xx

Oh hubby it sounds like you've had a rubbish time of it! I can't believe how bloated you were from your first night of food! It just goes to show how much of a difference not eating food makes to your body!

Im not sure what to say really? I mean it's different for me because I've got a ton of weight to lose so maybe as you're so close within your target you won't lose weight as much as other people on Cambridge! Do you think you could do a 'normal diet' and lose weight? I mean it's expensive but for me worth it as I don't have any children and the financial pressures you've got!

I know I'm rubbish at advice really but seeing your husband put it as £10 for every pound you lose I can see kinda where he's coming from but then it's down to you if you think you could lose more weight on a cheaper 'normal' alternative! ;)
But it takes sooooooooo long to lose weight on a normal diet!! Oh i dunno!!! Il just continue as I am until end of July and see where I am with my weight loss and then take it from there!

You are doing so well with your weight loss keep it up hun! 2 stone in 6 weeks is amazing!!!

Will keep you posted, :)

What's on the menu for this weekend?? This weekend we are off to Preston for a wedding! :-/ I guess it's a good thing I've got all these things going on cos it is making me think about what I put into my mouth whilst out on social events as opposed to pigging out just cos it's a party lol
Hey zimmum! Sorry it took me awhile to respond! I think keeping on CD and see where you are at the end of month is a brill idea at least then you can compare how you've done over the month as my CDC is always saying how she'd prefer to weigh people month to month rather than every week as she says you'd get an more accurate reading of your success!

Having a 3 pound weight loss this week has really put me on a downer since Wednesday as I just can't shake if feeling fed up and out if sorts! I've only had two shakes a day since Wednesday and had chicken breast instead as I'm missing food and I'm on day 46! I don't know what's wrong with me and I feel like I'm losing perspective of what ive done! I've lost a total of 30lbs but feel so fed up! I'm going to keep looking at the inspirational pics thread to try and keep me going!

How's the wedding going? That's great control about not eating out at social events! I just find myself fixated on what people are eating and think how can they eat as much as they do!
Hi hun!

Don't give yourself a hard time! You had to get back into ketosis from last weekends incident! And if it's any consolation, 3lbs is just over 1kg! That's good going!

Wow 30lbs in 46 days is a amazing!! Almost averages to just under a pound a day! That's fab!!!

My bathroom scale says I'm 10 and a half stone this morning but I know that it's about 2kgs/4lbs out so I feel pretty good that I'm out of the 11s!! Just gotta keep focused! I know how u feel bout food! I had grilled chicken breast and salad for dinner last night, hubby had the same but with garlic bread! I was wishing for some garlic bread so bad! The fact that he couldn't finish it and wanted to chuck it in the bin tempted me to have some, it tasted soo good! But regretted it so much afterwards! :(

Didn't end up going for the wedding! Decided to sit this one out as my one year old daughter has had a high fever and been poorly since Friday, she had her vaccines last Wednesday! So been hard work with v little sleep but thankfully she's no longer running a high temp anymore!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend xx :)
zimmum said:
Hi hun!
Didn't end up going for the wedding! Decided to sit this one out as my one year old daughter has had a high fever and been poorly since Friday, she had her vaccines last Wednesday! So been hard work with v little sleep but thankfully she's no longer running a high temp anymore!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend xx :)

I think I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and speak to my CDC about how I'm feeling so she can slap me out of it already as I hate feeling all down like this!

That's bad news about your daughter! I hope she feels better, my friend's little one has come down with the chicken pox this week so is under house arrest bless him! She said he's been an absolubte nightmare at the minute but you can understand why!

My weekends alright, I took the dog up to
Ashbourne which is a nice village place in the peak district as he's been moody with all the rain we've had recently!
Ahh great stuff if your CDC will help u snap out of feeling down!! My CDC has been rubbish with cheering me on when things got tough! It's this forum alone that's kept me going!! :)

Am so grateful for this forum as its helped and continuing to help me get back to my old self again:) and get back into my old clothes again :) :)
Hi Shazzy!

How's the week going so far? I had a weigh in today... Lost 4lbs this week as opposed to my 2lb last week! Am so chuffed :)

Hope u are feeling more motivated xxx
Hey zimmum!! That's brilliant news about your weight loss! You must be chuffed with yourself! Well done lady! I weighed myself this morning and I've stayed exactly the same from last week :( I don't know why it's stayed the same though but I'm still going to soldier on and hope I plough through it's not my TOTM until Friday :( Grrr lol!
Thanks Hun! I'm really chuffed as 11st was my prepregnancy weight! However I'm sure that my fat:muscle ratio is significantly different to my pre-preg state! Hopefully by focussing on toning up il lose that half a stone and I'm there =)

Aw hopefully ul have lost something by weigh in day! Fingers crossed for you hun! Xx
You go girl!

Unfortunately my WI wasn't so successful! I'd been an idiot this week having only 2 out of my 3 packs, then realised what I was doing was stupid but I'm due on tomorrow so I don't know which reason has stuffed me up this week! My CDC told me stop been so hard on myself and that 2 stone in 6 weeks a fab result! I know it'll eventually let go and give me a good loss but I'm just fed up of waiting! The WI after my TOTM I lost 9lbs so fingers crossed I'll get something similar once this goes!

Hope everything's going alright down your end chick :D
Hi Hun!

How's it all goin? Sorry I've been without Internet this last week! Has been a very poor week on my side, I've actually gained2lbs!! I'm trying to get myself motivated but finding it very hard I don't know why

Hope you are doing better this week and also enjoying this gorgeous sunshine we r having :) xx
Hey there stranger ;) !

Oh hunny! What's happened this week that's thrown you off keel? Maybe go clothes shopping or try things on that you want to be able to fit into / wear to get you motivated... Walking past the skinny shops usually does it for me or so does looking at myself in photos! I managed 5lbs this week but I'm 4 days late so Lordy only knows what this week will be like as I normally lose like this after it's finished!

I'm not loving the weather unfortunately! Zimmum as been ginger I'm cursed with sun insensitivity and after walking the dog for only 20 mins I then get sun stroke :( ! I can't wait for winter toncome back lol!