Fitness DVD

Hi all. I want to start doing some exercise so that it becomes a good habit and something I'll continue once I've shed the pounds. I fancied going swimming but am not brave enough to put a swimsuit on yet! So i was thinking I would get a workout dvd so I can do it in the comfort of my own home where no-one can see me hehe.

Does anyone else use a dvd to workout? Can any recommend a good one to buy? (preferably something for beginners and not too hardcore lol)

thank you :)
The older Davina ones ate quite good, not too hard.

Week 1, -7lb | Week 2, - 2lb (different scales, new CDC) | Week 3, -4lb
Thanks kellmo. I read that the Hannah waterman is supposed to be pretty good as well. Think I'll give them both a go and see what i like!
Love_Cupcakes said:
Thanks kellmo. I read that the Hannah waterman is supposed to be pretty good as well. Think I'll give them both a go and see what i like!

My sister has Hannah waterman and I just wanted to punch my tele she annoyed me!!! Davina gets fitter with the more DVDs she makes so the earliest are the easiest.... There are some nice yoga ones too.

Week 1, -7lb | Week 2, - 2lb (different scales, new CDC) | Week 3, -4lb
anything with dancing, i prefer ones like that as opposed to 'and breath and stretch' lol there more fun and get you giggling too everyone likes a good boogie xx