
thanks for your reply dancemum xx
Brilliant post! Thanks for sharing :) I'm always confused when I hear people using 'flexi syns' but all your posts have really helped clarify this for me. I'm going to do my best to keep in my syn value each day which should hopefully help me stop binging on things and treat myself while sticking on the plan

Have a great SW week everyone! :)
Great post! Thank you

I'm doing SW at home so sometimes I feel I need a good talking to and pep talk on how to be in control and about Flexi Syns. This has really helped me remember why I'm doing SW and not to use Flexi syns as an excuse for a bad day. I am not going to be using Flexi Syns as an excuse for a bad binge day and will move on

I needed that motivation!! thank you! :)
I always think this, people at my group come in and say "oh well I had a McDonalds for tea because I was in a rush so I'll just call it a flexiday and eat normally tomorrow." Then they get upset when they maintain or gain in group.
Can I just double check - sometimes I can't get enough food into me. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's spectacular. It happened last night and I went 32 Syns over for the day. (Added up afterwards)

I didn't call it flexisyns because I didn't really know what they were until now, it was just a binge. But I did decide that I would stay under 10 Syns for the rest of the week until WI so that I would have eaten no more Syns in a week than I normally would have - am I tweaking or what? Should I just move on from yesterday and carry on with my 5-15 Syns per day until WI?

Also, when I feel that mood coming on again, if I use flexisyns do I just say - right, today is the day, I'm going to have, say - 40 Syns - and do that and then move straight back to my normal 5-15 the next day?

Just trying to get my head around it so that I don't end up trying to fool myself, I know myself well enough at this stage to know that there's a binge coming pretty much this time next month too and I'd like to be in control of it.
Hi Midlands Chick, I'm no Flexisynning pro, but I think you've got the right idea... and I know I've done the same 10 syn rule thing when I've been off track.
Some people do measure their syns weekly rather than daily, to make up for days when they're over or under. I don't go to SW group anymore though, so I'm not sure what the official Slimming World take on flexi-syns is. :)
I had never heard of Flexi-synn before and to be honest it worries me more thinking i can do that because i am that type of person that would miss use flexi-synns thank god i read this post first.
This was really helpful advice, I've only been doing SW for four days but have a night out planned next week that I am already worrying about, I really like the idea of 'flexi-syns' so I don't feel like I've blown it. Thank-you so much for the advice! X
I have a wedding in 2 weeks.
I've picked the healthiest meal choice. There is no way to syn it until I am there.

I think this is one of those days I should flexisyn. But I think I'll struggle to know how many i will need.
I never really use flexi-syns. I tend to plan quite a lot and if there is an occasion coming up I use weekly syns that week... not 100% as I can't always work out the syns when we're eating out or at a wedding etc. but I will only have 5 syns for the rest of the week. This tends to work very well for me and unless I have a completely mental day on the higher syn day I tend to still loose.