I feel weird.
My last few entries have been quite depressing (sorry) and Iv just been sat here thinking for a while about everything and have realised that I just feel WEIRD. I don't really feel very healthy, and Iv sort of realised that eating this way will make me lose weight, but I won't end up with the body I really want, i'll just have a smaller version of what iv got now. Im just trying to decide whether I have the drive and ability to change enough to get THAT body. Or whether I should accept what iv got. I know this sounds really silly and most of you will think im talking rubbish, but my belief is that food is the biggest medicine, and there is a reason people with "perfect" bodies eat unprocessed, healthy natural foods and don't simply count their calories.
Iv lost this stone and a bit (ish!) through illness and simple calorie reduction, but i really feel like im at a crossroads....it sort of feels like a spiritual thing. Iv definitely changed recently and I think it's all connected. (now I just sound bonkers!)
Im not exercising, thats the first thing. The second thing is im considering doing something I did about 5 years ago. For 5/6 weeks in the run up to my mothers wedding and at a start weight of 12.5 stone I ate NOTHING processed. Breakfast was fruit or porridge with soya milk, lunch was fruit, soup or veggie omelet and dinner was quorn or fish with veg or salad. Snacks were fruit or tea. Each morning I would cycle for an hour, each afternoon I did and exercise video and each evening I walked the dog. It was hard ofcourse, but I lost atleast 2 stone in that time and I felt amazing. My shape changed dramatically. Then life happened and I lost the time I had and subsequently the drive. I started college and things changed. This type of lifestyle scares the hell out of me, but I know in my heart its the only way to get those amazing results for my body. Iv gained and lost, binged and starved so much that I have a lot of fat, stretch marks, saggy parts and generally a body in a poor condition. I also am incredibly prone to illness, and I worry that eating for calories rather than nutrients will increase this.
Its been good to get this all down in writing. I had a fabulous morning at work but the craving to eat badly is unbelievable and I am worried at how much this restriction is affecting my depression and my general mental health. Im also certain that many "normal" foods have a direct negative affect on my depression. Iv got a lot of thinking to do.
I really would welcome your opinions. Im not saying I would switch to the plan above as the exercise basically took the whole day! It's more the eating side of things. I just feel something isnt right.
Thanks x