I'm a little worried about starting tomorrow because I defiantly should have used my week before to decarb but hey ho at least I can say I've eaten pretty much everything I'm likely to crave!
So seeing my lovely cdc tonight for my shakes and my first pre christmas weigh inmy last weigh in with her is was 21st 2lb i think, something like that and I know i've certainly hit the 22stone mark and I wouldn't be too surprised if I was closer to 23stone :cry:
But from tomorrow things are going to different!
Don't worry, the night before I started I had a huge potion of chips! I didn't know much about the diet so didn't think it would matter. I never felt no hunger pains and I think that's because of my determination to succeed, as long as your head is in the right place you won't fail.
It doesnt matter how much you weigh - you are doing something about it so you will never be that heavy again. I was so depressed when I got weighed in as it was the heaviest I have ever been. I could of turned and ran away but it helped me stick to the plan even moreI have now lost 32lbs and have another 7 until target and possibly would like to eventually lose another 5-7. Good luck hun just use the site for the 'fatties' when you are feeling low!
Yay u will be fine and when u see the weight drop off u will stay motivated!!! Mint choc are my faves too although it is nice to have some variety!
Just read your diary and you sound lovely and totally in the right place.....i'm sure you will succeed this time !
I couldn't have done what i've achieved so far without these lovely "fatties" (ladies) a lovely virtual world of friends. Totally use everyone when you need them and are feeling low, they are great for a pick me up.
I look forward to hearing your success xx