Flutter's Diary

Morning Lesley. xx

Morning Linzi I love your pictures you look great! And can I just say (and I don't intend to be cheeky or rude) but you look like you weigh a lot less than your stats say!

No microwave? Poo.

You could always warm it up and put it in a thermos in the morning, and then make it up at lunchtime?

I know what you mean about salads not being nice for winter, but if it's got a warm topping, it does help.

Especially when it's -5 like this morning!!!!!!!! (when is spring coming??)

Spring?? It's hardly Winter yet!!

I think option 2 looks good lol. Could do with s sugar daddy myself ;)

I'll fight you for him!!:)

I love the warm salad approach - is it worth chatting to people at work and seeing if everyone wants to chip in for an el cheapo microwave? They're going for £20-30 in the sales.

Hey Lady S unfortunately I work from my car so unless there's a micro that runs off the 12volt it's no good!!
Wow how is a compliment like that cheeky or rude misses? Thanks you very much. xx
Hey Lady S unfortunately I work from my car so unless there's a micro that runs off the 12volt it's no good!!
pmsl was going to mention the car thing. get a bento box (and trial it for me ;) )
or.....stick your heaters on full and warm food that way?
Get yourself a late model Honda CRV, ours has a built in fridge/warmer/keep warm in the dash Lesley.
It's very very handy Vicky, keeps stuff cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
brilliant idea. Just what lesley needs!
It's not something I would have specified in a new car Linz, but it is really handy.
Hmmmmmm interesting but for the area I am now covering (Dundee to Wick and all places inbetween) I think my work should supply with me a souped up (geddit it!) campervan!!
Oh dear Mattessons and Mims are 2 Atkins friendly foods that I find yuckity yuck and I spit it out like this (as my 2 year old said tonight about her chilli beef tea that her mother had slaved over!). Ah she's like me really a mac and cheese girl all the way!!