Fly lady - Honk if you flew today!

Hi Sammy and welcome

Flying with a baby is tricky ime - my youngest is five months. Have a look at this link: to understand flylady. It is a whole system of looking after the house which may or may not change your life! She sends me a daily e mail - I think you can get lots of invidual e mails from her but that would fill up your inbox. She also does a book called sink reflections but the web site is free.

swish and swipe refers to the bathroom cleaning - quick wipe over the mirror and sink and cleaning of the loo daily
Hot spot is that pile of papers and other clutter that you have somewhere in your house that can get out of control like a forest fire. Put it out for two minutes a day by putting the things in the pile where they belong.

I ordered myself a lovely new note book in which to write a daily to do list which arrived when I was away. I have just sat down and put 11 things on my list for today which is looking a bit daunting right now - oh well only thing to do is to get started and tick them off.

Daily mission today is to turn the mattress in the master bedroom and put the pillows in the drier for 15 minutes on "air only" to fluff them up. Daily focus today for Fridays is declutter your purse and car.

Happy flying.
Things have slipped here again BUT I have the house to myself for the next couple of hours and am going to have a good crack at it-with the girls being off school I rarely get a clear run at it without someone needing something-here I go !!

( I have the sink reflections book and can heartily recommend it !!)
Thanks for explaining it to me hun, I'll have a look at that site and have a good read :) xx
Well I am going for a honk and a :D Today. Nearly finished my list of 11 thing to do as well - one thing part done but may finish off before bed.
I'm going to HONK !!! for yesterday too. Did loads of cleaning and tidying whilst I had the house to myself looks and feels so much better. Lot's more to do but a start is a start !!
Also managed a trip to Ikea for some storage boxes to make a start on sorting DD1's room while she is away this weekend.
Got a table top ironing board too-half to time I cant be bothered to wrestle the big one out so maybe I will be more likely to do it if it's easier-a good theory but needs testing.
So plans for today

1 load laundry
wash dishes and put away
start decluttering upstairs
Go Jane!

Honking for yesterday -- sorted a lot of holiday details. Did some laundry, cooked dinner, cleared up afterwards...

Still trying to get back in gear.
good on you both for yesterday. I am feeling pmt ish today and do not quite deserve even a little honk so far :( I have however swished and swiped, made some progress on the laundry (although I think the washing machine has now broken), run the dishwasher, thrown away at least 27 things from the toy cupboard and cleared the sitting room floor which is not too bad a start!

Eaten too much today as well sadly but definately intend to stay on track for my gold body magic award so last thing on todays list is half an hour of exercise :)
Oh Nettee!

Well done on the 27 item boogie!

I've been to the bank and post office, and caught up a friend - plus did a quick grocery shop. Made dinner, talked to my dad (in a rehab facility), cleaned up after dinner, sorted through stuff my sister mailed us (plus made a box to donate -- does it count as a 27 item boogie if you bring it in and back out within 24 hours?). ;). But, still just jumping in... No hope of catching up!
I think you get bonus points if it arrived within the last 24 hours!

I have written my list for today and it will be a better day.:)
Honk :D

It definately helps to write out a list in the morning.

I have also started on sewing on name labels - two done today only but also did sorting through the uniform for one child. 18 more labels to go for her - maybe at a rate of 3 - 5 per day - four days max. then I will start on the other uniform - much more sports kit for that one but he does go back later into September.
Monday - Home Blessing Hour.Daily Focus Monday | Do you get this done in an hour? My main problem with it is making the floor clear enough to do vacuuming. Need to keep on top of it during the week!

Mission for today is to spend 5 minutes getting rid of things that don't bring you joy from your living room flat surfaces.

(it isn't a bank holiday in America)

I have split Home Blessing Hour up so have a 12 point list for today - wish me luck........
I cant do the home blessing in an hour, not incuding changing the beds and all. I do 2 a week. Downsatirs hour one day, and upstairs another. Flylady does say you can adapt the plans to suit yourself doesnt she ?
She does say that and in fact my home blessing hour is quite different from hers. She says you can split it up as well. Have done my five minutes throwing out in the sitting room and have got rid of a few broken and ugly ornaments that I have been hanging onto because someone gave them to us (can't remember who for all of them).
Honk :)

Didn't finish my list but made some progress through it today.

Going out tomorrow so may be in need of a shorter list!
Hi Nettee and Jane,

I flew to Holland not literally we drove. The trip went almost to plan and the girls are already in bed!

Nettee do you live in the US? You've done really well on Slimming World. Congrats!
Well done to you both. Glad you had a good trip to Holland.

I don't live in the US but Flylady does! Didn't have any major plans for bank holiday so plowed on. DH is at work a lot with his start up business so it was great to have him home for the longer weekend. He even did some flying in an antiprocrastination way as he sorted through 4 huge piles of paperwork that have built up over the last few months.

Tuesday - Plan and Play day. (I have written some daily and weekly lists in my book this morning so a tick there already - just have to go and have some fun now!)

Daily mission - detailed hoovering in the sitting room - behind the sofas etc. Not sure I will get round to this one today but bonus points if I do.

Thanks for your congratulations on my slimming world "journey". I have definately slowed down on that for the summer holidays but am really pleased to have lost at least a bit of weight over the last 7 weeks. You have done amazingly well with your JUDDDing. I have been looking into that a little bit and it does sound promising. How do you find it on the down days? What are the skinny rules?
Morning folkd.

already changed our bed and put on the new duvet set that I bought-looks good. Old bedlinen in the machine already !!

need to run some errands today,who knows what else I may get up to
Fluttered ths morning, did some paperwork then went out for the afternoon and crashed when I got home. Better day tomorrow?

hope your good day continued mommy b
My day took a bit of a nosedive , didnt feel well this afternoon, then hubby and DD1 came home from scout camp and filled the house with bags and more laundry than even I could possibly imagine !!
Am feeling better now tho and tomorrow is a new day !!