Losin the baby weight :-)
Monday 20th September 2010 – Extra Easy
I took some cod loin out of the freezer last night as we have loads that OH got from somewhere! Made me think I might have a fishy week! Still skint til pay day next week though so am going to check the freezer tonight and see if there is enough to last the week – we have some salmon and some haddock in there too so should be ok. I love tinned mackerels in tomato sauce so need to check what’s free and what’s not / speed / superspeed etc and am going to give it a go!
Breakfast – 1 x slice of 800g WM Tasty Kingsmill (HexB) with spread (2 syns)
Lunch – Mussel meat salad and 2 x Babybel (HexA)
Tea – Cod loin with steamed veg and SW roasties
Snacks / Extras
2 litres of water
1 apple
I took some cod loin out of the freezer last night as we have loads that OH got from somewhere! Made me think I might have a fishy week! Still skint til pay day next week though so am going to check the freezer tonight and see if there is enough to last the week – we have some salmon and some haddock in there too so should be ok. I love tinned mackerels in tomato sauce so need to check what’s free and what’s not / speed / superspeed etc and am going to give it a go!
Breakfast – 1 x slice of 800g WM Tasty Kingsmill (HexB) with spread (2 syns)
Lunch – Mussel meat salad and 2 x Babybel (HexA)
Tea – Cod loin with steamed veg and SW roasties
Snacks / Extras
2 litres of water
1 apple