Food diary - mainly red days

Hi Purple Tortoise!

I am using your meal plans as inspiration to do Red days to kick-start some weight loss as have been struggling of late! You have done amazing and I look forward to reading the other hundred pages of posts!
Hi Purple Tortoise! I am using your meal plans as inspiration to do Red days to kick-start some weight loss as have been struggling of late! You have done amazing and I look forward to reading the other hundred pages of posts!

Thanks. There is a red day thread which is worth a look? Can't put the link up on my phone but will find it and bump it up to the top now
Saturday - hangover day!

Whlml toast with frylight egg

Roast ham & grapes
Milk to drink (A1)

Sirloin steak, mushrooms & baked sweet potato (2) with melted cheese (A2)

Milky bar (3.5)
Dairy milk (5)
Tesco slight bites (4.5)

Syns - 15, A - 2, B - 1

Have been to Manc and picked up my purse. So now I have bank cards but they're all cancelled!
Suppose it will save me money until my new cards arrive
That will teach me not to get so leathered I don't know where my belongings are! ;)
Did you go ?

Got dragged around bike shops with the other half! About to make a sw dinner
Decided I don't have to exercise whilst it's star week - will have no excuses next week, am packing my gym bag in the car for after work next week
Only issue with all these business type dresses I have bought is I can't unzip them myself! May have to change after work so there is still someone there to help me!

Got home from work Thursday and had to wait two hours for someone to come home to free me from the evil zip!
Sunday's munch

Omelette made with bacon, mushrooms and cheese (A1)

SW roasties (B1) roast chicken, roast parsnip (1?)
Gravy granules (2)

Tesco slight bites (4.5)
Kinder bar (6)

Syns 13.5, A - 1, B - 1

Guessing syns for the parsnip found 28g parsnips roasted in oil on here for 2 syns I used frylight so will be less

Bag packed for the gym after work tomorrow
Wondering how I'm gonna fare at the gym with make up on from work......I tend to be a sweaty ness after forty minutes on the cross trainer!
Picked a dress with no zip on so I can actually get our of it to get in to my gym gear!
Wondering whether to take make up removed too.....I don't do foundation just eye make up but still don't see it ending well at the gym!!!
STILL awake
Sunday night insomnia is so annoying!
May well have something to do with the costa I grabbed earlier - not early enough, I should know not to drink real coffee after 12. Think it it was about 4pm!!!!!
Morning! Boo to the sleepless night... Same here, been awake since 4 ish! And looking on fb, most people's status's are the same!!

Good luck at the gym.... I'd be dead after 40 mins on the cross trainer!! :D