Food diary - mainly red days

Naughty WI this morning 3lb of bloat gone ;)

Porridge B1 milk A1

Mushroom & celery soup
Melon and pineapple

Steak, huge mushroom and actifry chips B1 plus 1 syn for oil
Stuffed now due to a late tea!
Tuesday's grub

Hifi light x 2 B1
Milk in drinks A1

Mushroom soup, 3 pagen krisprolls B2, yoghurt, pineapple and melon

Baked cod with cajun spice, sweet potato wedges (1.5) oil in actifry (1)

Small chomp 3.5
Small aero type thing 3.5

Ooh the syns are sneaking back in ;)
Yesterday was.....

Hifi light x 2 (B1)

Mushroom soup, melon, pineapple

Lambchops syns? Sweet potato wedges 1.5

Reckon I was within syns as only lambchops were naughty not hunted my book down yet to check, however they were well worth it!
Food has been okay this weekend however I have drank a fair bit of red stripe so can say this weekend has been a plan write off!
WI friday was 14.8 so down from 14.13 last Sunday, pleased with that
Onwards and upwards, cauliflower soup made for dinners this week
Thanks ladies
Cauliflower soup for me is judy cauli, 4 stock cubes (flavour selected at random) then throw in a good portion of cajun spices or whichever bottle of spices is closest (I'm not one for recipes as you can tell;)
Goes nice and thick so is really filling
Somehow ended up a bit extra easy today!

Dry shreddies B1 (sat not moving on the M6 so no milk!)

Cauliflower soup - yummy!
Grapes, yoghurt

Had mince needing to be used today so I have ended up attempting something along the lines of cottage pie (assuming no syns on ee other than the cheese as 6)

Milk in drinks was hexA
Just attempting to make sausage casserole for tomorrows tea with 1 syn sausages
Not sure of the syns in the bisto simply casserole sausage and caramelised onion seems to be about 150 calories for whole pouch
Wednesday's munch
Shreddies B1

Whlml roll B2, chicken, cauliflower soup
Milk in drinks A1

Pork steak, mushrooms, baked sweet potato 1.5, cheese A2

Dairy milk 5
3 x ww biscuits 7.5