KFC. my family had it the other day for dinner and it smelt sooooo good.
A great big caramel macchiato and a chocolate brownie. It was SO HARD to resist them yesterday and I've spent all day trying to not go out and get them.
Crumpets with butter, marmite and cheese(the full fat kind!) - 3
Need to dump the dreaded B word. Bread. Urgh. Once I start.... toast, bread and butter, body goes into a total spiral and I carry on eating and feel lethargic and crap afterwards. So NO MORE BREAD. Bye bread! 👋👋👋
Toast with butter and jam my hubby is currently eating xxx
Cheese for me. Any kind... strong, smelly, blue, I love it all and have a fridge full of the stuff! I will NOT touch it. The hubby has to eat it all.