Ok so guys I'm a full time lurker on here nowadays... hardly ever post but still love reading all the highs and lows.
One thing that I have noticed time and time again is people on SS who cannot stick to 100% SS beating themselves up.
So here is what I think, for what its worth, SS is amazing... the results are fantastic BUT if you are chasing the SS dragon and it is ur millionth,(sp) and slight exaggeration (well wasn't for me
) time starting SS'ing and just not being able to do it... can you still say that the results are AMAZING???
I look at, hope yis don't mind me using you as examples guys, but Starlight and NikkiH to name but 2 who are on a very successfull weight loss journey and it has taken them longer to get the pounds off but they are doing it and are living their lives in the meantime still having a social life and a life in general really.
I am not saying that either way is the correct way as everybody is different... but if you have tried a weight loss programme like SS over and over again to no real success is it not time to ask yourself what exactly is the hurry?? I know for me I had been trying to get on CD for 3 years after losing 4 stone and putting it all back on and more... i was just chasing the dream weight loss programme, which is totally is if ur head is in the right place, but when it isn't could you still call it that???
I now truly believe SS or any CD programme is not for me but that is after a long time working that one out.
In my opinion... its all in the head... if ur head is right you can do whatever you want!!!
How about you flick the switch and say 'ya know what I CAN do A, B or C' whether its WW/CD etc rather than saying its too hard/I can't do it... the brain is an amazing tool... it responds to what we tell it!!
I hope I haven't offended anyone this post was just a knee jerk reaction to the sadness I see over and over again on here because of weight issues.... its only weight after all doesn't define who we really are... does it???
This is only my opinion... respond if you wish but as I didn't want to offend anyone and truly hope I didn't there is no need for an argument about it... a debate yes indeedy
but no arguments 

This is not about anyone on here except my own weight loss journey and its ups and downs!!
One thing that I have noticed time and time again is people on SS who cannot stick to 100% SS beating themselves up.
So here is what I think, for what its worth, SS is amazing... the results are fantastic BUT if you are chasing the SS dragon and it is ur millionth,(sp) and slight exaggeration (well wasn't for me
I look at, hope yis don't mind me using you as examples guys, but Starlight and NikkiH to name but 2 who are on a very successfull weight loss journey and it has taken them longer to get the pounds off but they are doing it and are living their lives in the meantime still having a social life and a life in general really.
I am not saying that either way is the correct way as everybody is different... but if you have tried a weight loss programme like SS over and over again to no real success is it not time to ask yourself what exactly is the hurry?? I know for me I had been trying to get on CD for 3 years after losing 4 stone and putting it all back on and more... i was just chasing the dream weight loss programme, which is totally is if ur head is in the right place, but when it isn't could you still call it that???
I now truly believe SS or any CD programme is not for me but that is after a long time working that one out.
In my opinion... its all in the head... if ur head is right you can do whatever you want!!!
How about you flick the switch and say 'ya know what I CAN do A, B or C' whether its WW/CD etc rather than saying its too hard/I can't do it... the brain is an amazing tool... it responds to what we tell it!!
I hope I haven't offended anyone this post was just a knee jerk reaction to the sadness I see over and over again on here because of weight issues.... its only weight after all doesn't define who we really are... does it???
This is only my opinion... respond if you wish but as I didn't want to offend anyone and truly hope I didn't there is no need for an argument about it... a debate yes indeedy
This is not about anyone on here except my own weight loss journey and its ups and downs!!