Sorry for the bump but it had to be done with Euro 12 starting tomorrow! I assume all you English will be supporting England and the rest of us will be anyone but England right?
For the record i'm a lowly Newport County fan!
i'll leave you all to guess what time i suuport
I also run a local mens sunday team and i help run the sunday league too
Just come across this page, I'm also a massive footy fan and nice to see some fellow bluenoses on here. I'm a birmingham city fan, season ticket holder in fact, im also a strange one to my friends as they can't understand how I can be a girl and be such a big football fan lol!!
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I get comments all the time about girls and football especially on the side line on a sunday, i've been running the team for years so most people know me so most of the comments have stopped and if they do say something the get a piece of my mind
I was going to become a Ref but my weight has stopped me, i have no confidence!
Oh I can imagine the comments on a Sunday. Always thought I would quite like to do some officiating but wouldn't whilst I'm overweight. Sounds like u handle them well anyways
Maybe one day we will both be refs
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