For anyone stalling....

PMSL I've n o answer to that :8855:
I just hate it when I don't get the last word :mad: x x
LOL, none of us can Joanne love. I have managed to break the habit, but only because I have been in maint for a few years now. :)
found these articles thought they might come in useful

It is common to experience plateaus and stalls during Atkins' diets. It occurs time and again, but, it is important to check whether you have actually come to the plateau point.
When you continue for a prolonged period of time, without losing any weight, it is called a plateau. It is essential to make a note of your weight and your measurements, before starting a diet plan. In the first couple of weeks, you may feel that you have not lost any weight but a quick glance at your measurements may lift your spirits.
The theory behind Atkins Diet is adding muscle to the body, by removing fat. This may result in slight weight gain because you are developing dense muscle to replace fat. You may end up adding a few pounds on the scale but you will shed those extra inches. You may obtain a leaner body but weigh just the same.
Take measurements of you waist, chest, calves, thighs, upper arms and hips before starting the diet program, because it is possible to lose weight in any of these areas and having comprehensive information is vital. It is not abnormal to go through times when your body needs to adjust. You must remember that as you are changing your body's composition, the process may be a little time consuming. Keep a weekly check on your measurements and your weight, so that you can keep track of your progress.
There are 3 to 4 week periods when you may experience plateaus in weight reduction, but you still continue to lose inches, or even vice versa. Checking both methods is an effective way to monitor your progress. These plateaus are no reason to give up on the diet. Such stall periods are common in weight loss programs.
Stalls are more frequent when you are just a couple of pounds away from your goal. You would have developed plenty of muscle by adopting this high protein and low carbohydrate plan. As your body's muscle-to-fat percentage has increased greatly, your body may resist anymore fat loss. At this point, you must reconsider your goal weight. Understand what your body is telling you and focus on maintaining your lost weight instead of trying to shed more and more weight.
On the path to weight loss, there are several other reasons behind the occurrence of stalls. If you have made no progress in four weeks and are not moving towards your goal weight, start looking at different methods to move out of the rut. Ensure that your level of carbohydrate in the body is in check. Intake of excess carbohydrate may cause plateaus in your weight loss. Watch out for hidden carbohydrate in dressing, sauces and packaged food.
Always have enough water. If your body gets dehydrated, it tends to retain water and will simulate a plateau. Water aids in flushing ketones and creating space for new ketones that help in burning fat.
Eating very less amount of food may also cause weight loss plateaus. Always have smaller meals at frequent intervals. You are following a low carbohydrate diet and not a low calorie diet. Always add enough protein to you meals. Do not go without food for more than five hours at a stretch. Do not keep check of your calorie intake because if your body does not get enough calories, it will switch to starvation mode and the fat cells get retained.
Increasing your fitness routine also helps in overcoming plateaus. Since your muscles are now accustomed to vigorous workouts, it is necessary to steadily intensify your workouts in order to challenge your body. Adding new routines or increasing weights during resistance training are good options.

Frequently Addressed Issues for Lowcarbers.
  • Many folks lose great on Induction and then stall. This is normal and to be expected since your body is adjusting to your new weight. The stall will pass and weight loss will resume, usually (but not always) within 2-3 weeks.
  • Citric acid, a common ingredient in diet soda and other diet products, can stall weight loss for 40-50% of lowcarbers. If you are sensitive to this substance it can slow down your weight loss by kicking you out of ketosis.
  • Water is essential to weight loss, especially for lowcarbers. The minimum consumed daily should be 64 oz PLUS 8 oz for every 25 pounds overweight.
  • You can stay at 20 grams of carbs per day for longer than 2 weeks. If staying on 20 gm carb per day causes a stall, upping carbs to 25 or 30 grams can jumpstart weight loss.
  • Cheese and cream are allowed on lowcarb plans but eating too much, more than an ounce or two of cheese, or maybe a tablespoon or two of cream can slow or stall weight loss for many.
  • Many lowcarbers and Atkids drink/ingest caffeine and still lose weight. Atkins based his no caffeine stance on a study that did not take into account the citric acid present in caffeinated diet soda which skewed weight loss results. The caffeine was blamed instead of the citric acid. Be aware that coffee does contain carbs so count them in your carb gram total.
  • You may get a severe headache 2-5 days into Induction. If you have cut out all caffeine have some and then wean yourself off of it, if you care to. If the headache is not caffeine related make sure you are drinking enough water as this tends to ease discomfort. The headaches should subside as your body adapts to using ketones.
  • Headaches can occur if your ketosis is too deep. Up carbs by 5-10 grams to alleviate the pain. This can be achieved by the addition of a cup of lowcarb veggies, like green beans, to your diet.
  • Headaches can the the result of too little water. Make sure you are drinking all of your water. It is essential for so many things on lowcarb that not drinking enough is practically asking your lowcarb plan to fail.
  • Ketostix are not necessary to the success of your plan and DO NOT go for the purple. Anything past moderate indicates that you are not drinking enough water.
  • The absolutely essential supplements are a good multi-vitamin, calcium/magnesium in a 1500mg/750mg ratio and potassium from Morton's lite salt or other source. Every other supplement mentioned by Atkins is optional.
  • If you get night time leg cramps not attributable to restless leg syndrome you are not taking enough calcium/magnesium or potassium, see above.
  • If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness and you are drinking plenty of water the symptoms can be alleviated by the ingestion of potassium and sodium. This dizziness can occur because of the diuretic action of the lowcarb diet and the necessary ingestion of 3 quarts of water a day. 1/4 tsp of potassium chloride (from Morton's Lite Salt) and 1/4 tsp sodium (from table salt) mixed in 8 oz of water and then ingested should quickly help solve the problem. If symptoms persist see your health care practioner.
  • Protein powder shakes that are also lowcarb can be used as meal replacements. The tastiest ones seem to be egg or milk protein based. Caution should be used, however, as some lowcarbers have stalled in their weight loss efforts when too many shakes were used or too many ingredients, like artificial sweetener, cocoa powder and nut butters were added.
  • Artificial sweetener packets contain 0.96 carbs per packet so count each packet as one carb. When added to shakes, beverages and recipes those packets add up fast.
  • A combination of sweeteners seems to work the best at reproducing an acceptible sugar-like flavor, with a minimum of after taste. Using half saccharine and half aspartame in a shake or beverage gives a better taste than using either one alone.
  • Many women experience a weight gain of 2-5 pounds the week before their Aunt Flo comes to visit. This water weight gain is temporary. Additionally lowcarbing women have found that tuna with extra mayo helps alleviate carb cravings during Aunt Flo's visit, so reach for that tuna instead of that chocolate!
  • And, finally, not everyone should be an Atkid. If your problems are more serious than those touched on here you might want to consider another plan.
Great post Vicky...

Whose Aunt Flo.??:8855::8855:
I know i suppose its a monthly FLOW??? maybe???
Good read thanks x