Hello lovely - ooh so exciting about the bakery! Did you enjoy the recipe development? That's the main thing

Apart from the washing up lol I hate washing up with a passion! 2nd April - that's so soon! I can't quite believe how quickly this year has gone - remember you talking about putting the offer in and everything and that seems ageeees ago!
Don't worry about diet - once you are into a routine with the bakery I am sure you will find it much easier to get into a routine with your diet too - ooh you're snsing again? Yay! Another SnSer! How's day one going so far?
SnS is going pretty well for me actually! I think the fear of going looking for a wedding dress actually finally hit me! Also, I know that I really do have to do this now - before I was taking breaks because I thought that I still had time but now I really do have to stick to it if I want to get to goal in time!
Have a great day x