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bye-bigun! said:fool your own mind....!!
Couldnt resist a bit of chicken earlier as I was cooking and it got me.... I ended up putting some in my mouth and omg yum... but I had already decided i was going to have it, but NOT SWALLOW!!! LOL! Had a good ol chew, savoured the flavour.. and then prompty spat it out and put it in the bin.....
So, i did 'have' my chicken as far as I am concerned... but I didnt consume a morsel..nilch, nadda...
Rekon this could catch on with Yorkie bars??
I told my Sister what I had done and she told me I have a bloody eating disorder!! LOL!..
Shall I slap a patent on the idea?? LOL!
(this is a bit of jest, as much as I did it I wont be relying on this in the future!!, just thought it was rather funny to share)
Pmsl !!!!! The amount of times I have done this in the past 6 weeks!!!! I know it's not ideal as this is my 3rd bout of LT after my 2nd daughter and I should know better but your post made me lol. You do move on from that stage, you will get to a point of being comfortable with LT and no longer feel the need to have a mouthful as your content. Wait it out Donna you will be fine, step away from the yorky!!!!