Shell ... the creamy chicken was simply cream with curry powder stirred in. The whole family ate it! I used the mini fillets and it looked good.
Kat - do you have a favourite mim recipe? And how long do they store if I made up a batch?
Today I had soft cheese and bacon rashers ( the crispy ore cooked sort) for lunch. Dinner was a huge veggie affair with a home made meat loaf. Everyone ate that too and enjoyed it, even hubby said yum.
I started feeding them the family same as me as I am fed up with cooking separate meals - cant say they've really noticed much difference except they get potato wedges and stuff.
Tonight I am chuffed - went shopping ..... I have been looking for a new coat. Mine were too big and my friend had very kindly taken them off my hands lol.... So I went into new look first and didn't see a coat I liked, well there was one a sort of wrap coat BUT I wasn't in love with it. So off to next with hubby in tow and I spotted one! It was a lot of money, £75 to be exact and hubby very kindly bought it for me for Christmas.

. Then we went into sports direct to see if I could get a coat for our 15year old. I was in there trying on the boys coats to visualise whether it would fit him and I found one that would be too small for him but fit me perfect - lol guess what .... I ended up with a second coat. This is a no fear coat and will be brill for walking on the beach where I live as it is quite heavy.
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