Finally Pregnant!!
I was a pure nightmare for my Mam growing up.. I wouldn't eat anything for her.. So she's just get what ever I would eat.. Even back then it was very rarely goodies, tho I knew if I wanted them I'd get them coz her train of thought was "if she eats it, I dont care what it is!"Yeah that's exactly it. I think the world is a very strange place to be honest. We'll never really know what's real and what's not lol. We're all so small in the grand scheme. But that's a bigger story than just mediums LOL!
I had to be force fed a lot of stuff... I never ate all that much when I was young. Actually (and I've never told anyone on here this) I had a phase of not eating anything at all when I was a teenager. I'd eat maybe a bag of crisps OR half a hotdog for example... then I'd feel sick/full like you do when you've had a massive meal ya know? So I'd stop eating. only went on for maybe a year or so eating tiny bits here and there, sometimes eating nothing for a couple days. You'd wonder how I went the other way and put on all the weight eh!!?
Then she'd find something I like, and give it to me everyday until I couldn't stomach it anymore.. then it'd be trial and error to find something else.. I loved on soup (packet soup) for about 2 years.. With pieces of fruit for snacks or sometimes the fruit would be my meal.. Then I got glangelour fever and didn't eat a thing for a full week (maybe more, can't remember really).. Kept blacking out and fainting and losing my memory so was admitted to the adults ward in Cherry Orchard Hospital as I was too sick for Our Lady's Childrens Hospital.. Was in there for 3.5 weeks but can only remember the last couple of days.. Then I lived on Ambrosia Creamed Rice for about 6 months.. And from there started eating different foods.. then hit my teen years and gained and gained and gained..