Morning gorgeous lady..
Aw don't worry about it.. You've just had TOTM too havn't you??
I've been crap too.. Seriously.. Saturday I had Burger King.. Then vodka and a piece of cake.. Then Sunday I had Maccers AND Chipper.. Then Monday and Tuesday although I didn't have takeaway, I went over in my PP's by eating CRAP.. Yesterday I did have a slice of chocolate swiss roll type cake but that was all the "bold" food I had.. So yesterday was the first day since my ww week started that I've been 100%.. I call it 100% when I only use dailies.. Tho obviously could have been better if I'd not had that cake.. Tho then I'd have been allot more under and that would have been just as bad so... 100% it is ha ha ha
Woohoo.. my Beam Chef (Halogen oven thingy) has just arrived.. 2 weeks ahead of schedule too

House warming gift from me to me