I have had a fabulous day. Just me n Jonathan wandering about doing nothing much but doin it together. Have really enjoyed my day. Got up this morning (took my niece again overnight) cookers brekkie n got her dressed. Then threw on Scruggs n took stringer to the park. Then hone n showered him. Then showered myself n had lunch. Then Jonathan called down n we went to dun laoghaire to see the talk ships before they left. Didn't see any ha ha so had a stroll along the harbour HAND IN HAND!!!! That's do not us. I don't DO pda's!! Then went for dinner. Then instead if havin dessert there, we got an ice cream n ate it walking back to the car. Then we came home n took stringer to the park (again) n were there AGES between running around n walking n chatting to other dog walkers. Then we came home n lay on my bed watching tv together.

Wasn't an extremely eventful r special day, but it was perfect to me

Hope you've all had an equally enjoying day xxx