Ugh, its horrible isn't it?! This is my normal life so nothing new.. Usually will only take a laxitive it I know pain is about to start.. No pain, just bloating for now.. still nothing!! Have had hot water with lemon, grapefruit, and peppermint tea after each meal (so far only had brekkie n lunch but you get what I mean I'm sure... ) Think I'm gona take a Movical n hopeful something will shift before dinner..
Yes in work hun and took a Sinutab this morning.. Lifted most of the pain so that's good..

Hope you're well chic?
Thank you hunnie.. Its a nightmare trying to find the line of too little n too much fibre isn't it?! Hope your tummy settles back to normal soon.. Hope you're not suffering too much with TOM! I hate TOM!!

Afternoon Nessa hun.. sorry for the delay.. Mental busy in work this week so not really getting the chance to drop in with you all.. had to skip thru loads of pages yesterday or I'd have been up all night tryna catch up.. Hope I didn't miss any real gossip.. lol
Vicky 3 days for me is nothing.. but I feel your pain.. Hope you get some movement soon..
You drinking enough water and getting enough F&V into your diet? x