I've just come back from the kitchen wit sum yummy cold toast for brekkie.. feeling starving this morning for some reason..
Wow! U started out at 14 2?? Never realised that.. You've come on so far.. Can I ask what u are now? (I know I cud work it out from the stats but i'm lazy.. and having brekkie

Yea another 2st wud bring me to 10st 7lb.. I know for the average person its doable.. But I dont know if
I can do it...
But I dont wana make huge goals like that.. I think if I say now 'rite, next goal is another 2st off' i'll give up before I get there.. Whereas if I take it half at a time i'm only looking to lose 7lb.. not 28lb which is quite daunting to me..
I know I still wana reach the same amount.. it just seems more realistic and doable to think of 7 after 7 after 7...