Day 30
Well the day started with the fraud squad talking to me about the fact my whole account was wiped of money!!!!!!! Thankfully its sorted and back in now.
Well it was my half day and it was nearly time to leave when a stray dog was brought in to my work. Whilst checking it over it went slightly mad and bite my left hand i didn't think anything had happened until i saw a trickle of blood. The little dog has managed to break my finger!!! I'm not very impressed lol.
Never mind i can cope with 9 fingers for the time being.
I still went to the gym and did 50 mins i would have done more but my finger started to throb and i wanted to get home and put some ice on it. 50 mins is still 50 mins so im happy.
Ive spent the evening making checklists for what we need to take to America with us. Its in 3 weeks time so i want to try and be organised before it gets to the day before we leave

ive also made a checklist for the cats so i remember what i have to take to the cattery and to my mums. One of my cats has kidney failure and its not fair to put her in a cattery when she could become ill at any time. Shes stayed at my mums before and really likes it so its best for her to be there. My other cat is too destructive to leave with my mum so she'll have fun in the cattery.
I'm sure i'll find things to add to my lists i always forget something.
Well its the 4th weigh in tomorrow, im not really sure how ive done. Although ive been good and only had the chinese on valentines day i have a feeling i wont have a big loss. I just feel very bloated at the mo.