Freaky Food Combinations!

MadameLaMinx said:
And... once upon a time, I used to eat McFries dipped in McChocolate Milkshake. Im surprised I havent died of a heart attack before now to be honest...

Mmm fries in banana milk shake.... Winner!!!
I would like to suggest McDonalds fries dipped in McFlurry....nom nom noms

Or chicken crisps on toast: FTW!
McD's bbq sauce on toast but I don't even think that's weird. It's more the law.
We had a big debate a few weeks ago about dipping ur toast in tea and also porridge on toast mmmmmmm
Cheese & apple butties
S&v crisps & chocolate
Fish finger butties

You people are making me hungry, some amazing combinations I had forgotten about!
Now fancying mashed potato on crusty bread!
Anything with seafood in is freaky! Prawns are insects of the sea, who wants to eat insects, same with mussels etc gak!!!

But Liver onions chips and pickled beetroot is lush!
Yeah, but you don't just dunk chocolate fingers.
You dip the end in, then suck the tea up through it like a pipe.
When the end you're sucking gets warm from the tea, you've JUST got time to shove the collapsing chocolate finger in your mouth, before it disnitegrates totally.
