Aah thanks Doreen! I must of miss heard at the meeting there's always so much to take in, she was talking about on EE about the 1/3 of a plate of super free, so grapes and bananas count as the 1/3 and am I right in thinking beans don't count as this? I thought they did, then some1 said they don't. This may be why EE wasn't working for me I was getting the super free wrong ha! Thanks for ur msg, do u have any advice on night time binging ha I just can't seem to go to bed without eating

Yes they do count as your 3rd. Sometimes for dinner I may have burger chips and beans, (and beans are not superfree but are free) so I have some fruit afterwards not just 1 banana but probably an appleor grapes too. Apparently it should be very soon after, say 10mins to count as superfree and not a snack.
Mmm nightime binging. Can be a big problem.
I was advised to always have superfree. Really depends on what satisfies you. If you can stick to superfree i.e. fruit or veg that would be best.

Best thing if not superfree is free but not too much.
I often have pineapple in the house and sometimes get some ham and wrap it round the pineapple. I like that.
I do make jellies 1.1/2syns and put cheap strawberries in and have in the evening with yogurt. Usually Tesco Everyday Value natural 59p for 500ml & free. Sometimes put sweetner in a pot of the yogurt and eat that.
As it is winter I nearly always have homemade soup in the fridge. And may (if I have the syns) toast 2 wholemeal bread as crunchy as I can and have that with the soup for 5syns. That is filling.
Maybe I will eat a tin of cold baked beans. I always keep one in the fridge. If have syns will have a ham sarni with the beans - no butter of course. Sometimes just the beans.
If you really want chips then make some yourself. Not as nice as shop bought.
Just one more, I do occasionally have mash spuds and a tin of peas if I realy want something to eat.
I was going to say if I am hungry, but of course we are not binging cause we`re hungry but because we want to eat and the food is calling us.
Just try and keep the syns down. If I think of anything `sensible` I will let you know. Hope that has been a little helpful.
Oh! put an options choc drink into some fat free yogurt or quark, that is supposed to be nice for chocolate lovers. Not tried it myself.