Oh, special cake sounds terrific

You should have a well deserved piece.. maybe even a second one haha I know I would.
Well ladies, it has been an emotional roller coaster ride the past two weeks and the diet has definitely gone out the window for all sorts of reasons. Too much going on, ridiculously busy etc and I have totally caved into eating at work, that and the more than occasional piece of cake. I can feel I have put a little bit back on, I don't feel as good as I usually do but it's all good, I'm not too worried about it.
My man gets here on Monday and I cannnnoooootttt wait to see him, it's been three months now. For the next few days, I am simply decarbing (which has been my main problem) and hopefully the bloating will go down and maybe that squatter or two. I do not dare weigh in, and I will be on a break for the month of September as uni is starting, and will be spending time with my oh and am taking this to be a well deserved holiday after a hectic summer of working and losing 10 pounds. I know myself, if I don't cut myself some slack, I'm gonna lose it. So, I won't go too nuts this month but I'll try to be careful and I'll be back into it my October. Hopefully I'll have a nice surprise and have lost some more? Who knows.
Anyway, sorry about the ranty scrawl but I feel like I owe you lot an explanation haha, plus you keep me motivated and I feel guilty when I see others doing well, so it's some sort of twisted incentive.
Keep it up ladies

You're all doing so well x
Peachy - SD