Moog -3lb
Nomad - 1.25lb
Taz - STS
Thimblebug -3.5lb
Jools - STS
Barefoot -2lb
Miss V - STS
Linz +1.5
Gem - SD

Well done everyone x

Whoops! - well at least I didn't give you a gain when you'd lost - that would've been much worse x
Well done Thimblebug! x :)
Very pleased - another 2lb lost (that's 13lb in a 4 weeks thanks to Rosemary Conley's Solo Slim)
Well done Taz & Barefoot. :D

I've broken my chain of STS with a 2lb gain this week!! :rolleyes:

Good luck everyone else. x :)

Taz -2lbs
Barefoot -2lbs
Jools +2lbs
1lb down for me. Very well done Taz & Barefoot. That's fantastic :)

It'll be off again next week Jools - hopefully just water!