Sorry to hear about your being down Rendaridra, it does suck when you're trying just as hard but getting nowhere. But usually when you make a big change in your eating habits your body drops weight quite quickly to begin with, I think this is because your body has gotten a bit of a shock that it's not getting what it's used to getting. A big change doesn't
always mean a VLCD, although of course for you it is that, but it could also be going from a very unhealthy takeaway/chocolate/crisps-heavy diet to a healthy fruit and veg packed way of eating.
Your body adjusts to its fuel and the weight loss slows. But that doesn't mean it's going to stop altogether. So don't give up, stick it out, if you keep doing the right things you will start getting results again. I firmly believe that. (I have to, I'm in a similar boat myself!)
STS this week.

And I didn't weigh in last week so that's 0lbs over 2 weeks. I know I said I wanted to lose weight slowly but not quite
this slowly!! :giggle: I really want to see a loss next week so I'll be putting a determined, conscious effort into it this week, I've been slacking off a bit and the lack of effort is reflected on the scales. Nose to the grindstone this week!