I lost most of my weight so far being "good" Monday - Friday and a little slacker on weekends (sometimes worse). For me it is important to recognize that this is a long journey to a new healthy lifestyle and although there may be twists and turns on the way the journey is interesting and I will reach the destination when I get there. I am having one of those twists and turns at the moment but still have the destination in mind x
Hope everything's ok and you're not too far twisted and turned Gem?

I had a mid week WI today. It's bizarre, I've stuck to my calories (ok I was over limit on friday but have made up for it since), and yet I've put on weight according to the scales: about 1lb. And yet I can actually SEE my stomach getting flatter by the day, legs really toning up too. It's so odd. I have stepped up my toning exercises this week and haven't done so much cardio as I normally do, maybe it's that?? But I can't see why that would make 1lb difference? It's after ToTM now so not that..
I guess I think it can't be 'real' weight gain, or if it is, it's muscle??
I'm also not fretting too much about it, just wondering why cos it's a bit bizarre.
We all put too much "weight" on what the scales say - just look at all the tickers around here. I am no exception but we have to recognize that weight is not what we are and it is only one tool in the weightloss process x
As usual, well said Gem!
Ellie: It's natural to go up and down a little bit, even if we've been super good. Who knows, by friday that and another lb may have come off, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Gem: Too right about the twists and turns! I don't think there's anything wrong with having some slacker days. Just because we're leading healthier lifestyles doesn't mean we can't have a brief flurry with a chocolate bar every now and then!

:angeldevil: Or a flurry with a McFlurry even - OMG did I really say that - not that I would of course :angeldevil:
Hehehe! Not had a McFlurray for years; I don't support fast food chains :D Though we do deserve a flurray with a McFlurray every now and then! Especially at Easter... Mmmm... Creme egg McFlurray!

Not keen on the cream egg one but I had a rolo one last week - that's nice. I got to the bottom and there was a little squatter pound stuck to the caramel sauce with an evil grin saying "She's gonna pay for this on Friday" and I did!!!!!!
Not keen on the cream egg one but I had a rolo one last week - that's nice. I got to the bottom and there was a little squatter pound stuck to the caramel sauce with an evil grin saying "She's gonna pay for this on Friday" and I did!!!!!!

Silly Gem. You should have just left the little squatter at the bottom of the tub! x :p ;)
Yes Bron - I have a diary of sorts - Gem's Incredible Journey.

Squatters happen when you put back on some of the pounds you have lost. It has to be stated that THESE EVIL LITTLE BLIGHTERS ARE NOT PERMENANT FIXTURES - they can be evicted easily if you catch them quick - then you can get on with shifting the hardcore pounds. When I put on squatters I refuse to move my ticker back (negative moves aren't good) so I line up the squatters ready for eviction (9 at the moment - been going up and down since Christmas) and when they are all out in the cold I can start moving my ticker again. Does that make any sense?
Hahaha! I like the idea of squatter lb's!! Genius.. In that case I have 2 squatters to go :D
Groovy, I shall go on a diary hunt!

Hehe, I like the squatter thing! Makes perfect sense, no worries! Totally agree with the negative moves, I always avoided putting my ticker back, unless I was in a foul mood with myself. If I've gained on friday, I'm putting up squatters, not putting up the ticker :)

I always try to see the positives - I find the problems begin when you start focusing on the negatives. This journey is for living and enjoying - not for beating myself up x
Good luck for tomorrow girlies!!!
Good luck tomorrow everyone! x x x
Here's hoping the pounds drop off everyone for tomorrow - Good luck everyone x