Whoooop its moving thanks goodness!! Cheeky squater eviction and more!! Ive lost 3lbs this week!! All though becoz of all the messing around ive done this month ive lost 3lb in a month!! oh well at least ive evicted the squatters... never to return!!
Good luck every one hope you get the results you are looking for xxxxx
2lbs for me this week, which I'm chuffed with as had last weekend off. Went out for our wedding anniversary on the Saturday and didn't get back on it on Sunday tut! But I am now exactly halfway there, woo-hoo!
Ha, did you see the other week when I put on 5lb !!
When I'm being good I cut down on carbs (bread, potato and pasta) cut down on dairy (I eat far too much cheese) and have protein and veggie meals. I also usually have a banana mid morning and a cereal bar in the afternoon. I cut out cakes, biscuits and chocolate competely (I'm one of those people that say "ooh I'll just have one" and eat the whole packet so I'm better off having none because I can't control myself !!)
Yep I'm with you on cutting out the chocolate, biscuits, cake etc completely! I'm like you if I just have a little, I end up eating loads of it! None is definitely the way to go for me, and I feel so much better for it too!