Well done everyone - I make it 11.25 lbs overall - fantastic!!!!

A special well done to Louise for 2.75 lb lost and the winner of this weeks balloon x

Well done Louise :)
Well done peeps... especially Louise!!!
well done every one and louise!

must say i am loving the friday girls challenge idea!

keep up the good wor guys! missin u loads!

Just catching up on this thread, I didn't wi this week lol. Well done Louise and everybody else great job x
Shall I start off the list for today. Mine's sts but I'm really not sure how I managed that. I've not exactly been too good since last Friday :eek:

Good luck everyone else x :)

Gem - sts
2lb off for me this week. Happy with that :)

Gem - sts
Ellie - 2lb off :D
Aww thanks everyone :)

I've had a naughty week. It's been one of those weeks where a lot's gone on, and I've got really lazy with my eating. Thankfully I've managed to STS, and Im happy with that!

Well done those who've posted so far, and good luck everyone else xx

Gem - sts
Ellie - 2lb off
Louise - STS
I have had a great week this week and lost 3lbs :party0019:

Well done everyone x

Karen x

Gem - sts
Ellie - 2lb off
Sanicholl - 2lb off!!!!!
Louise - STS
Clarri - 1lb
kj2s - 3lbs
Well done Karen, that's brilliant. x :D

Gem - sts
Ellie - 2lb off
Sanicholl - 2lb off!!!!!
Louise - STS
Clarri - 1lb
kj2s - 3lbs
Jools - STS
Well done Girls and Karen, you're the favourite for the balloon at the moment x
0.5lb off for me this week - that'll be the 0.5lb that crept on last week !!

Gem - sts
Ellie - 2lb off
Sanicholl - 2lb off!!!!!
Louise - STS
Clarri - 1lb
kj2s - 3lbs
Jools - STS
caws - 0.5lb
Last edited:
Well done Caws - still moving forward x
Well done Girls (where's Red got to?) - especially well done Karen

Hellooooooooo........... everyone! (listens for hollow echo)

Good luck for tomorrow x