good luck to everyone for tomorrow.( is there some reason that i'm humming food gloriuos food?)
It's a 2lb loss for me this week, which is a huuuuge surprise!
Good luck everyone!
Only a 0.5lb loss for me. x
Hey Jools
Well done on that half a pound! It all counts!


7lb GAIN for me! I have 7 squatters in one week Aaaaargh!
My only consolation is that there is no way I could have eaten enough for one squatter per day so therefore they can't be real.


Guess I'll have to get back on track and stick to it, don't want to make it 1stone gained in 2 weeks. :break_diet:
Well done On the losses girls x

Taz is gonna work out the sums this week and next week (also present the balloon) to give me time to sort out for holiday. Cheers Taz x

Taz- That's nowhere near the gain you were expecting so well done x

Clarri - You've got far too much to think about this week so worry not my friend x

Ellie - 7lb? I reckon them squatters are 'avin a larf at your expense this morning - hop on again tomorrow and see what happens - could be a bit of water retention or something silly like that - Good luck and well done for being realistic about it x

Good luck for next week Friday Girls as I won't be here on Thursday to give my support x
Ya this is my last WI for a while too, I'll be back in July! Wow that's weird to say. But make sure you all keep losing, I'm sure you'll all have managed a good chunk of weight off by the time I get back..
Well done all on a good week by the way! :D Any loss or even damage limitation has got to be a good thing.

And one last thought. Now I've got used to the shock of 7lb weight gain I reckon it'll probably help me over the next month when I'll be away.. i.e. it'll make me make sure I stick to moderating my eating. I just know that that's the way my head works so I might even end up losing some more. So, I am not going to stress about it in the least as in a way it's the best result that could happen right before my holiday: now I'll have my head in a place where I need to lose weight over the hol, not maintain or gain. Thank you Gem and Jane for the support :)
Have a great holiday Ellie and all the Friday Girls will be here for you when you get back. Going anywhere nice?
yup, new zealand :D never been before so really excited.
I lost 2lb (so that'll be the 2lb) I put on last week !!

Ellie - I often have a ridiculous gain but it usually evens out over time. Can be abit gutting though !

Have a fab time in New Zealand - I'm soooo jealous as that's a place I'd love to go to.
Well done Frijj, Silence, mommyB, caws and anyone else I may have missed!

Ellie: Don't worry about it. A gain like that is more than likely TOM or general water retention. Don't let it spoil your time in NZ though!

Sorry gang, no real luck here this week. Looked like a STS, but because it's an analogue scale there could be a lb loss I'm not reading clearly. Might put a decent set of scales on the wedding list...

Happy Friday everyone!

Taz +2.5lb
Silence -2lb
Jools -0.5lb
Ellie +7lb(???)
Jane -1lb
Caws -2lb
Bronski STS

Who is still to WI?
Ellie, I don't believe that can be an accurate gain unless you have been partying all week! It will soon disappear. have a great time in NZ x
Good luck for tomorrow everyone!!!