hi kay! after reading ur post i made it my mission to get on the comp tonight and check in. when i heard u were struggling a bit i was like oh no!!! ur doing so well and i so much want u to get to ur goal. how r u feeling this evening? the constipation can be very irritating i know. have u headaches now as a result? please try that fibreclear, it has no effect on ur weightloss either. a spoon or 2 a day. cant be any harm sure. i hope now u have a good sleep tonight and tomorrow is better for u. ur weigh in is monday isnt it? i know as well, for me anyway, as the weigh in day got nearer i started panicking as i was constipated and wouldnt see a big loss. whatever that scales says on monday u just remember that u have been 100% and ur body is trying to catch up with that sometimes. its a massive change when u think about it. all the years of eating whatever and now we need a chance to recover from that. can u imagine what we have put our bodies through. sometimes they get a bit clogged with this massive detox. keep powering ahead now as u have been. this bad patch will (literally) pass!!!

pass into the toilet lol. good luck kay, big hugs. ur doing great altogether!!!! x