Morning everyone
I'd like to join you in the Friday Weighers Thread if that's ok please?
I weighed in last Friday, was my first week of CC and lost 7lbs
Always loose a lot first week of any diet then it really slows down
- just have to keep at it!!!!!
Am thinking of getting new scales today - mine are rubbish.... u have to bang them really really hard to get them to come on, and they only measure in full pounds - no halves or quarters - I cant cope with that!
They only a few months old, Boots own basic set - not worth the dosh though.
So, if I do have new scales I have the dilemma of do I weigh in on those tomorrow or the ones I have now, as there's usually a bit of difference with every pair of scales isnt there - of course if the new scales weigh me less than the present ones no prizes for guessing which one's Im using haha (but I will be honest and tell you both results!) :flirt2: