Day Nine
Thanks for that are you finding things? Have you had any blips? It is the hardest diet plan I have ever encountered, but it is so worth it and the results are so worth it too if you can stick to it.
I was thinking about it last night as to why I gave into the food monster on Sunday and why I found it so hard. I think that it is because I have more time on my hands to hear my brain and thoughts .....crappy thoughts like 'its not fair' and 'why cant I go pub and have a few drinks' and 'why cant I have a take out its weekend and I deserve it'....
The thing is is that I CAN do all those things if I want to. It is me who has decided to do this one else. I have not been forced through ill health or been threatened to do it with my arm behind my back. My problem is, is that if I feel I have to do something I dont want to do it. Its an automatic response from me. So, any negative thoughts that come into my mind I am going to answer them back. I am going to say to myself 'I will stick with it today, and see how I feel 2moz' or 'I can have a few drinks at the pub, but I will leave it today and have them in a few weeks' etc etc. I really need to try this out at the weekends and hope it works....
I really dont want to keep being 100% all week and then caving in at the weekend, it just makes all the hard work sticking to it during the week for nothing. Yep, I did lose 7lbs this week which I feel is amazing considering I ate, but Im not stupid and know that I cant do this every week as the first week is always the greatest loss.
Anyways, that is my moan over....(really got to try and be more positive haha).
So.......wait for it.....heres a positive..... I have been 100% today, so my honk is on its way...yeeeeeeeey

Oh yeah and my work pants dont give me a camels toe anymore lmao xxxxxxxxxx