Bad week. it started with a burger on saturday, then monday I had cake. i stuck to plan but as my syns got less and less to make up for the other days, i got to 6.5 a day yesterday and chocolates were brought into work, I stayed away but when I got home, my brain hit binge mode and I went for the chocolate... 39 syns happens everytime. I tried to supress the feeling since monday but yesterday i couldn't keep it at bay any longer, it happens when i have to cut my syns, i think i'd have been find if the choccys weren't brought into work, it was just the final trigger point. So I have decided I am writing the rest of the week off, going back to 15 syns today, weigh in saturday, if I gain i gain. It's my own fault, so what will be will be. That was my first chocolate binge since before xmas, before then I binged at least once every few days.